
Here's what people are saying about our Co Leadership experiences, online courses, and leadership programs.

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Edmond and Elenna's workshop was instrumental in helping me define my limiting beliefs and provided me with tools to overcome them. They provided exercises to help me reconstruct my beliefs in order to help me achieve my goals. The work they are doing is both groundbreaking and effective. I would definitely recommend this workshop to anyone wanting to take their career to the next level.

Gautam Altman
System Engineer at Tope Technology

My biggest takeaway was the idea that we get to shape our programming consciously. This workshop reminded me that it is up to me to work intentionally to shift my mindset, and gave me practical tools to work on this every day. Just a few weeks after the experience, I can already see some of what I explored during the workshop starting to shift.

The main value, for me, was in experiencing the exercises and working through them with others, in community. The facilitators provided the space for us to explore a piece of our own programming, learn more about how it affects their lives, and think consciously and strategically about how we can introduce changes to shift our thinking in a direction that will serve us better.

Ana Ulin
Former Senior Engineering Manager at Patreon

Before the workshop I struggled with self-confidence and believing in my abilities. I knew I had limiting beliefs, but I didn’t know what, if anything, I could do about it. Hearing others comment on my eloquence, presence, intelligence, and so on brought home the massive gap between how I see myself and how others see me and gave me much more confidence in my own ability than before.

This is not your typical workshop. It offers a framework for understanding the real, physical impact these beliefs had on me. It forces you to show up honestly and confront what’s not working, offering tools every step of the way and providing a safe space to try out new ways of thinking and behaving. It has empowered me to recognize that I have a say in how my career unfolds. I am my own boss in life, and how I talk to myself directly impacts how I behave and how I interact in the world.

Karen Baker
Senior Community Manager at Udacity

As I was recently reading Michelle Obama’s Becoming, she talks a lot about asking herself, 'Am I good enough?'. This was a question that I have been trying to answer for a long time for myself as well. Even though I knew that I struggled with imposter syndrome, until the leadership experience, I did not realize that there were many people who suffered from it. I was not alone.

The experience taught me that quiet time with myself, reflecting on my thoughts, clearing my head is actually helpful for my day-to-day work. It taught me ways to use tools that I had always heard of but shrugged off. They helped me calm my nerves and feel confident. As I have spent the last couple of months since the experience trying to battle my inner imposter, I’ve realized that I have a more positive answer to 'Am I good enough?' Yes, I am.

Sindhu Kashyap
Software Engineer at Zillow Group

This workshop helped me realize that I was standing in my own way of feeling successful, and the impact that my behavior had on others in my life. Edmond and Elenna led me on a journey of inward reflection, and through that, I realized that I needed to write my own definition of success so that I could continue moving forward confidently in my career. They helped me find my strong inner voice, taught me how to listen for it and how to allow it to guide me on my own unique path. This experience renewed my self-confidence and helped me to recognize my capabilities as a leader. Thank you for this awesome experience. It's one I won't forget!

Allison Lizza
QA Manager at Mailchimp

Attending Edmond and Elenna’s workshop was an eye-opening experience. Through a thoughtful framework of exercises and discussion, I gained a new perspective on why I made certain decisions in the past and what I wanted from the future. I realized that I’d talked myself out of opportunities because of unconscious biases disguised as rational analysis. Having a clearer idea of my motivations and biases, I've felt more proactive ever since.

Alan Lac
Software Engineer at Dropbox

I unknowingly had been allowing a lot of self-doubt and limiting thoughts associated with Imposter Syndrome, a feeling that's not uncommon in my industry, to affect me. After attending this workshop, I realized that a lot of my limiting beliefs were either self-made or beliefs that I'd internalized and carried with me for way too long.

Edmond and Elenna did a phenomenal job of guiding all of the workshop participants through identifying those limitations and providing insightful tooling to help mitigate those thoughts. At the conclusion of the workshop, not only did I embrace the fact that Imposter Syndrome is very much real, but I felt comforted in the various ways it shows up to different people. It opened my eyes to how people process things like self-doubt differently. I'd strongly recommend this program for anyone who may have switched careers recently and is looking for ways to become comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Shanece Regis
QA Analyst at Mailchimp

I've attended a lot of workshops over the years, and this was unlike any I have ever attended. It felt personally tailored to me — even though there was an entire group going through the sessions together. Edmond and Elenna's direction and the intimacy of the sessions helped everyone feel comfortable, which allowed us to really dig in and get the most value out of the day.

The exercises and discussion helped me understand beliefs that have held me back and limited my growth. I was given practical ideas and tools to identify, deal with, and move past those beliefs. That’s not only helped me in my everyday life but has helped those around me, as it makes me a more effective leader and manager.

I would recommend this experience to anyone currently in a leadership position or to anyone that would like to be more of a leader, as everyone will find value.

David Jessup
Senior IT Manager at CarMax